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(Major General [Retired]) CEO

Cities today face unique and varying challenges as they strive to strike a balance between climate change and sustainability issues, social and economic impacts of the rapid urbanization and most of all the rapidly changing technologies and advancements. Whereas it is important to put all these issues at the forefront of urban development, a major concern is to attain balance amongst them. This is no mean feat.

It is indeed imperative that all issues that face the urban development today must get addressed in an environment that concerns itself with all or most aspects of urbanization through a multidisciplinary approach. CUBE being an Applied Research and Consultancy Center, aims to address these challenges through the development and deployment of innovative technologies and policy-based solutions in partnership with Academia, Government and the Private Sector by employing a multidimensional outlook.

CUBE is ideally placed to develop quality and viable tailor-made solutions for industry, government and civil society in the domain of sustainable urban development by enabling collaborative and effective partnerships between the academia at both national and international levels, practitioners, private sector and policymakers. With the objective of developing practical solutions that can keep pace with the ever-metamorphosing built environment, CUBE’s goal is to act as a force multiplier to promote comprehensive and well-rounded approach to the many complex problems confronted by Indian cities today.

CUBE was incorporated in May 2017 as a joint initiative of Government of Tamil Nadu [GoTN] and IIT Madras. GoTN Nadu has declared CUBE as one of its Centers of Excellence. This places a significant responsibility on CUBE to strive to achieve excellence in everything that it shoulders.

In a short span of its operations, CUBE has established itself as a trusted partner to its Clients and a facilitator in the domain of urbanization. We have undertaken several challenging initiatives not only with GoTN, but also with Governments of Odisha, Andhra Pradesh, Daman & Diu and Jammu & Kashmir. We aspire to be the one stop solution provider which can be completely depended upon to source and deliver everything that is required to make each of the endeavors under our purview, perform seamlessly and effectively.